Joe Biden

Rank 9 of 47
Score 261

The statement is a call to action and a critique of a political opponent's rhetoric. It engages in public discourse by addressing the issue of immigration and the impact of political leaders' language on Hispanic communities. The statement promotes a political campaign and encourages unity against what the author perceives as harmful rhetoric.

  1. Principle 1:
    I will strive to do no harm with my words and actions.
    The statement aims to do no harm but does criticize an opponent's language, which could be seen as negative campaigning. [-1]
  2. Principle 2:
    I will respect the privacy and dignity of others and will not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech.
    The statement respects the privacy and dignity of others by not engaging in personal attacks, focusing instead on the impact of rhetoric. [+1]
  3. Principle 3:
    I will use my words and actions to promote understanding, empathy, and compassion.
    The statement does not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech. [+1]
  4. Principle 4:
    I will engage in constructive criticism and dialogue with those in disagreement and will not engage in personal attacks or ad hominem arguments.
    The statement promotes understanding and compassion within the context of political advocacy. [+1]
  5. Principle 5:
    I will acknowledge and correct my mistakes.
    The statement engages in constructive criticism of an opponent's rhetoric. [+1]
  6. Principle 6:
    I will use my influence for the betterment of society.
    The statement does not acknowledge or correct any mistakes as it is a political endorsement.
  7. Principle 7:
    I will uphold the principles of free speech and use my platform responsibly and with integrity.
    The statement uses the author's influence to advocate for a political cause and encourages participation in the democratic process. [+1]