Jill Stien

Rank 26 of 47
Score 37

The statement addresses a significant public issue, namely the treatment of homeless individuals and the broader implications of economic policies. It critiques a Supreme Court decision and proposes a policy solution, thus engaging in public discourse.

  1. Principle 1:
    I will strive to do no harm with my words and actions.
    The statement strives to do no harm by advocating for the humane treatment of homeless individuals, aligning well with this principle. [+2]
  2. Principle 2:
    I will respect the privacy and dignity of others and will not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech.
    The statement respects the dignity of homeless individuals by highlighting their victimization and does not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech. [+2]
  3. Principle 3:
    I will use my words and actions to promote understanding, empathy, and compassion.
    The statement promotes understanding and empathy by framing homelessness as a consequence of systemic economic issues and advocating for housing as a human right. [+2]
  4. Principle 4:
    I will engage in constructive criticism and dialogue with those in disagreement and will not engage in personal attacks or ad hominem arguments.
    The statement does not engage in personal attacks or ad hominem arguments but rather focuses on systemic issues and policy solutions. [+2]
  5. Principle 6:
    I will use my influence for the betterment of society.
    The statement uses the speaker's influence to advocate for societal betterment by proposing guaranteed housing as a human right. [+2]
  6. Principle 7:
    I will uphold the principles of free speech and use my platform responsibly and with integrity.
    The statement upholds free speech principles and uses the platform responsibly to address a critical social issue. [+2]