Jill Stien

Rank 28 of 47
Score 32

The statement expresses frustration with the bureaucratic process of collecting validated signatures in Indiana, suggesting it is a waste of time and resources. The tone is critical and somewhat negative, focusing on the inefficiencies and inconveniences faced. The image supports the statement by showing the individual at the Shelby County Courthouse with the necessary documents.

  1. Principle 1:
    I will strive to do no harm with my words and actions.
    The statement does not directly harm others but expresses personal frustration with a public process.
  2. Principle 2:
    I will respect the privacy and dignity of others and will not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech.
    The statement respects the privacy and dignity of others, focusing criticism on the process rather than individuals.
  3. Principle 4:
    I will engage in constructive criticism and dialogue with those in disagreement and will not engage in personal attacks or ad hominem arguments.
    The statement does not engage in constructive criticism or dialogue, instead expressing frustration without suggesting improvements. [-1]
  4. Principle 6:
    I will use my influence for the betterment of society.
    The statement uses the individual's platform to highlight perceived inefficiencies in the public process, which could be seen as an attempt to bring attention to a broader issue. [+1]