Nikki Haley

Rank 20 of 47
Score 157

The statement is a serious and urgent call to action, emphasizing the importance of remembering the path to peace to prevent war and protect American lives. It addresses a significant public issue—national security and the prevention of war—making it a part of public discourse.

  1. Principle 1:
    I will strive to do no harm with my words and actions.
    The statement strives to do no harm by advocating for peace and the prevention of war, which aligns with the principle. [+2]
  2. Principle 3:
    I will use my words and actions to promote understanding, empathy, and compassion.
    The statement promotes understanding and empathy by highlighting the consequences of war and the need for peace, which aligns with the principle. [+2]
  3. Principle 6:
    I will use my influence for the betterment of society.
    The statement uses influence to advocate for the betterment of society by calling for actions to prevent war and protect lives, which aligns with the principle. [+2]
  4. Principle 7:
    I will uphold the principles of free speech and use my platform responsibly and with integrity.
    The statement upholds the principles of free speech and uses the platform responsibly to address a critical public issue, which aligns with the principle. [+2]