The Oath
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Nikki Haley
Rank 32 of 47
Score -5
Reposted by Nikki Haley
Hudson Institute
Two days left to apply for the Hudson Institute Political Studies Summer Fellowship. We offer top undergraduates an opportunity to engage with leading scholars, explore the foundations of political thought, and join a network of future leaders.
Apply: https://hudsonpoliticalstudies.o…
Reposted by Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley HQ
“Strong girls become strong women. Strong women become strong leaders. And biological boys don't belong in the locker rooms of any of our girls.”
Reposted by Nikki Haley
Alissa Baker
Re-reading this gem. Happy International Women's Day to @NikkiHaley & all the strong women that she celebrates & inspires.
Nikki Haley
We should always remember this. Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies. When Israel takes on Iran or Hamas, they are fighting for America, too.
Nikki Haley
Praying for the first responders and SC National Guardsman fighting wildfires across our state. ❤️
Stay safe and check @SCEMD or for updates about your area.
Nikki Haley
After his meetings at the White House, @HudsonInstitute will host President Zelensky for a candid conversation about achieving peace in Ukraine. Tune in today at 4pm.
Nikki Haley
Liberals want to scare the GOP away from Medicaid reforms. We shouldn't fall for it. Medicaid spending has increased 207% since 2008. CA gets more federal money from Medicaid than FL spends on its entire budget.
We should not rewarding states that refuse to control spending.…
Nikki Haley
America has always been a pillar of freedom and democracy. We have to have the moral clarity to know the difference between good and evil and right and wrong. We can’t blur those lines. We must choose a side, and it should never be the side of dictators.
Nikki Haley
Last year the government misspent $162 BILLION on waste, fraud, abuse, and blatant government errors. That's $1,200 per household and $14,000 per household over the last decade.
It's time to finally hold Congress accountable to get the spending under control.
Nikki Haley
There is a special place in hell for this kind of evil…#FinishThem
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