Nikki Haley

Rank 19 of 47
Score 170

The statement addresses a significant public issue involving international relations, terrorism, and national security. It calls for daily discussion on the matter, expresses strong support for Israel, and advocates for holding Iran accountable. The tone is assertive and urgent, with a clear stance on the issue.

  1. Principle 1:
    I will strive to do no harm with my words and actions.
    The statement does not directly incite harm but uses strong language that could potentially escalate tensions. [-1]
  2. Principle 2:
    I will respect the privacy and dignity of others and will not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech.
    The statement does not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech, but it does generalize about Iran in a way that could be seen as inflammatory.
  3. Principle 3:
    I will use my words and actions to promote understanding, empathy, and compassion.
    The statement does not promote understanding, empathy, or compassion; it is more focused on taking a strong stance. [-1]
  4. Principle 4:
    I will engage in constructive criticism and dialogue with those in disagreement and will not engage in personal attacks or ad hominem arguments.
    The statement does not engage in constructive criticism or dialogue; it is more declarative and does not invite discussion or differing viewpoints. [-1]
  5. Principle 6:
    I will use my influence for the betterment of society.
    The statement uses influence to advocate for a specific political stance, which can be seen as contributing to public discourse. [+1]
  6. Principle 7:
    I will uphold the principles of free speech and use my platform responsibly and with integrity.
    The statement upholds free speech but could be more responsible in its language to avoid potential escalation of conflict.