Marianne Williamson

Rank 12 of 47
Score 221

The statement engages in public discourse by addressing the political situation involving the Prime Minister of Israel and the U.S. policy on sending offensive weaponry. The tone is assertive and suggests a policy change regarding military support.

  1. Principle 1:
    I will strive to do no harm with my words and actions.
    The statement does not directly harm anyone but suggests a significant policy change that could have broad implications.
  2. Principle 2:
    I will respect the privacy and dignity of others and will not engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech.
    The statement respects the privacy and dignity of others by focusing on policy rather than personal attacks. [+1]
  3. Principle 3:
    I will use my words and actions to promote understanding, empathy, and compassion.
    The statement promotes understanding by distinguishing between the Israeli government and its people, but it could be more empathetic towards the complexities of international relations. [+1]
  4. Principle 4:
    I will engage in constructive criticism and dialogue with those in disagreement and will not engage in personal attacks or ad hominem arguments.
    The statement engages in constructive dialogue by responding to a question about policy, though it could be seen as dismissive of differing viewpoints.