The Oath
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Marianne Williamson
Rank 8 of 47
Score 190
Marianne Williamson
@nooneatallduh @jeremydgriffin Now that's what's wrong with America: not your opinion or mine, but the "Fuck you." No one owes it to you to agree with you. I've learned that. You don't owe it to me and I don't owe it to you. We both get to have our thoughts. That's what freedom is.
Marianne Williamson
The undue influence of money on our politics is destroying our democracy.
We need to overturn Citizens United.
We need a Constitutional amendment establishing public funding for federal campaigns.
Neither of those things will happen quickly, but until they do the…
Marianne Williamson
@jeremydgriffin It literally is.
Marianne Williamson
@MaggieCobbler @LeeTreeee If I wanted to run for something, I would. But I have things to say, things I have learned, and I believe they need to be said. No one else has had the experiences I've had, therefore the information I've gained. They are heard by those who need to hear them.
Marianne Williamson
@LeeTreeee I’m not speaking as a Democrat at this point. I’m speaking as an American.
Marianne Williamson
Anyone who played along - who bought into the "we don't primary an incumbent President" ruse - was complicit. It wasn't just overreach by the Democratic establishment; it was the willingness of Democratic voters to surrender free thought, people's failure to insist on a fair…
Marianne Williamson
@506vet Oh please. Billionaires have been funding both parties for years. What is happening with Musk is going way beyond what others have done for either party, however, in terms of undue influence on our politics. His owning Twitter - then using it as he does to share his ideas…
Marianne Williamson
@Mike4Liberty I didn’t say “billionaires are the problem.” I’m saying policies which serve only to create more billionaires (at the expense of others) and increase their undue influence over policy - especially when such policies are actually driven by multibillionaires themselves! - IS the…
Marianne Williamson
@pattyisright Do you know how much we spend on our defense budget every year? Almost a trillion.
Marianne Williamson
@GuichardChris What makes you think that what Elon Musk says is “transparency?” Congress has not been keeping secret what was in this bill. Read it for yourself!…
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